Thursday 20 March 2014

3. Purpose of Editing


The main idea of storytelling is to have an interesting enough narrative to keep the viewer entertained. Shots, cuts and the sound or audio used all help add to the entertainment. For example, quick paced cuts and more upbeat audio would help to create a happy, fast faced environment.
The development of drama is built up through the use of specific shots such as close ups and sounds to accompany that. For example, in a horror film, a door banging or nails being scratched across something. These things help to create tension and give a sense of excitement.
Editing like this helps the audience to see which genre the film falls in to. Each genre (romantic, action, horror etc.) has their own stereotypical editing styles to help us determine the differences between them.
Cutting from one shot to another can help to predict how the audience will feel.  This is the Kuleshov effect.

Kuleshov Effect Example

Combining shots into sequences

This helps the film or programme being edited flow better and become one rather that all separate things. It helps to create a good storyline and give random shots the structure they need in order to form a narrative.

Creating pace

There are two paces – fast and slow. Fast paced editing helps to create excitement whereas slower paced editing helps to create a more emotional scene.
Here is an example of fast paced editing, taken from the film Skyfall:

The reasons for the fast paced editing used within this film are not only to fit into the codes and conventions of an action genre film but also because it helps to add excitement and suspense. The short, fast shots help to get a lot of information across in a small amount of time with the audience on the edge of their seats taking it all in. 

And here is an example of slow paced editing, taken from Titanic.

The slow pace in this clip represents how slowly Jack dies. It makes the audience pay more attention and it helps to pull on the heart strings. Using fast paced editing here would not go down well as it is a very emotional scene.

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